Our Word partners with the Be Earth UN IGO (United Nations Intergovernmental Organisation)
This post was originally published on the Our World blog on 27th January 2018:
Greetings Friends,
We have pleasure in announcing that we have now partnered with the United Nations!
One of our contacts put us in touch with a new group of high profile talented people including Lawrence Bloom who is the Founder & Secretary General of the Be Earth UN IGO (United Nations Intergovernmental Organisation).
Lawrence Bloom is currently Secretary General of the Be Earth Foundation, a UN Inter Governmental Organisation which advises, assists and enables in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals on behalf those Countries with which it has Treaties. He is a member of the Board of Dakia Global, a major infrastructure organisation combining creative financial and technical solutions enabling countries, corporations and sovereign wealth funds to achieve their sustainable development goals and targets.
He is a member of the Board of Dakia Global, a major infrastructure organisation combining creative financial and technical solutions enabling countries, corporations and sovereign wealth funds to achieve their sustainable development goals and targets. These successes are achieved through Public Private and Social Partnerships tied into profound expertise and strong leadership. He believes that this collaboration is the key to our collective future. He also Chairs the Dakia Institute, which is the Impact Resilience – Social, Environmental, Governance & Gender – global advisory mechanism for the Dakia Group, including oversight of the Dakia Donor Advised Fund, Dakia Global and Dakia Impact Infrastructure Funds (DIIF) and all project work therein.
He was recently voted by SALT magazine as among the top 25 most Conscious Global Leaders globally, and some months ago received an award at the UN from the Humanitarian Innovation Forum for Conscious Leadership.
He is a Vice Chair of the Climate Prosperity Alliance, a Senior Fellow and member of the Board of Directors of Global Urban Development, Co-Chair of the GUD program committee on Generating Sustainable Economic Development, and Vice Chairman of Climate Prosperity Strategies LLC. All of these initiatives are designed to demonstrate the significant economic benefits from creating a sustainable society.
Formerly, Lawrence sat on the Executive Committee of the Intercontinental Hotel Group from where he managed their $3B global real estate portfolio. Whilst there he created an hotel environmental manual, subsequently adopted by HRH Prince Charles, and currently in use in over 5 million hotel bedrooms worldwide. A small part of the manual gave guests the option of whether they wanted their towels washed every night. This manual and associated initiatives were foundational for the formation of the HRH Accounting for Sustainability Group, of which Lawrence remains a current member.
Lawrence was appointed the first Chairman of the World Economic Forum at Davos, Global Agenda Council on Urban Management and he is a current alumnas of all Agenda Councils. He is former Chairman of the UN Environmental Programme, Green Economy Initiative, Green Cities, Buildings and Transport Council. Lawrence also served as an active a member of the Corporate Responsibility Advisory Group of the ICEAW.
His passion is to support what is breaking through via what is breaking down in the current system. He considers this action will enable the emergence of a society whose understanding around the interconnectedness of all things will harmonise conscious economics, social wellbeing and environmental responsibility.

They also have other high profile members including Chris Rockefeller Lindstrom who also serves on the David Rockefeller fund.
Their website can be found below:
Be Earth IGO's mission as described on their website is:
"The Be Earth Intergovernmental Organization (referred hereinafter as “BEIGO”) is a treaty based organization with the vision of building long-term partnerships with communities, governments, the United Nations, private sector, NGOs, IGOs, academia and think tanks in order to bring sustainability to communities while creating a better and cleaner world through helping to achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and future Sustainable Development Goals.
The BEIGO also intends to work collaboratively with governments to promote the use of sustainable energies that are readily available to their respective countries and to propagate the use of proven technologies to other countries. In doing so it will facilitate the transition from a carbon dependent economy to a sustainable energy based economy, particularly in developing countries where there are traditional and socioeconomic barriers.
The BEIGO seeks to promote and implement sustainable energy and sustainable practices projects for increased development of agriculture with focus on maximizing job creation."
Their goals are fully aligned with Our World's and we will help achieve their objectives as also described on their website:
Our World promotes the use of sustainable energy and educates people on the importance of moving away from fossil fuels and nuclear power and onto green alternative sources of energy. We will be teaching the importance of respecting each other's human rights, of looking after each other and working together. We will be raising peoples consciousness and awareness of the importance of looking after the enviroment and the planet that sustains them. We will show that if you prioritise the enviroment and peoples health then the economy will automatically thrive as we detail later in this post.
You will note that their logo is very similar to ours, another positive sign we should be working together... ;-)

You will note that both have the suns rays shining through in the background, these represent the rays of light and hope for mankind. They represent a new day that is dawning for humanity.
Our World and the satellite apps/games are only the beginning of what we have planned... The profits we make will be used to launch our NextGen Hardware division, where we will be building NextGen devices such as laptops, smartphones, consoles, etc which are not only less harmful than the current ones but will also heal people. The current devices emit harmful radiation such as EMF (Electro Magnetic Field). We are electromagnetic beings and their fields effect us even if you are not aware of it at the time. Science and more sensitive measuring equipment is now proving this.
WI-FI and 4G also effect us, and the faster and more powerful they become the more damage they are causing us. We wonder why more and more people are being diagnosed with cancer, tumors and other health problems? This is one of the major contributors. 5G will be very dangerous to our health, which is why it is important we get our healing devices out there ASAP... As a bonus they will also never need to be charged....
This is why we say we are the next Apple, because we intend to build fully integrated software and hardware solutions, which will improve peoples physical, mental & emotional health. We will talk more on this in a future post...
Professor Klaus Bosselmann gave a very important speech at the UN General Assembly on Harmony with Nature at the UN HQ in New York on 21st April 2017 where he called for UN nation states to be Earth Trustees.
An exert from the above link:
"An environmental law expert and academic from the University of Auckland is calling for the United Nations to adopt the idea of Earth trusteeship to protect the planet from further environmental degradation.
Professor Klaus Bosselmann, director of the New Zealand Centre for Environmental Law at the Auckland Law School addressed a meeting of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly in New York earlier this year, where he advocated for substantial institutional reform to strengthen the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
Speaking at the Fifth Interactive Dialogue of the UN General Assembly on Harmony with Nature, Bosselmann proposed that environmental governance of the planet should be facilitated by UN member states operating as trustees for the Earth.
“The ethics of Earth stewardship are an integral part of the world’s religions and indeed humanity’s cultural heritage, but these ethics have never been more topical than today,” he said.
Professor Bosselmann argued there is already a duty for states to protect and restore the integrity of Earth’s ecological systems, a duty expressed in no fewer than 25 international agreements. This obligation must extend to acting as trustees for the natural environment.
“The state as an environmental trustee is not a mere political philosophy, but also an emerging legal concept,” he said."
It is very good news to hear that the UN is now finally starting to take looking after the enviroment seriously. We have been stating this for sometime now that we need to start priortising the enviroment and peoples wellbeing above all else including GDP, economy, etc.
Of course we understand you need a strong economy to provide the funding needed to invest in the enviroment and peoples health, but right now a lot of money is being wasted in areas that are not as big a priority. The biggest is funding wars and the military. If all the money we spend each year funding the military was spent on solving our current environmental crisis we could quickly start to reverse the damage we have done to our beautiful planet.
His full speech is below:

Now the UN needs to start forcing countries to meet their obligations of their Earth Trusteeship backing this up with serve legal and financial penalties if they do not.
It is promising to see that Germany has made good progress towards these goals by adding new state obligation to the constitution (Art 20a) that requires the state to protect the natural foundations of all life (not just human life). This was back in the 1980's but again it is unclear how much this is being actively enforced?
New Zealand has also made good progress as can be seen from the following exert from his speech above:
"Also in the mid 1980’s, New Zealand began an environmental law reform that culminated with the enactment of Resource Management Act in 1991. The Act was the world’s first legislation based on the principle of sustainability and requires all economic activities to meet non-negotiable “environmental bottom lines”. Initially, court decisions followed this strong sustainability approach of the Act, but eventually resorted to the more traditional idea of trade-offs between environmental and economic interests. In 2014, the Supreme Court of New Zealand specifically rejected this so-called “overall broad judgment” approach as not in line with the purpose of the Act.15 So we are now moving back to making economic development conditional to preserving the integrity of ecological systems."
Sadly, once again the economy was put above the environment. What politicians, judges, etc do not realize that if you look after the enviroment and peoples health then your economy will automatically also flourish since everything is connected. If you have a healthy population then of course they will be more productive and work harder due to being more happy and healthy. They will also be more motivated and have a lot less sick time. But the good news is, the world is slowly starting to wake up to this face but a lot more still needs to be done and we aim to help massively accelerate that.
Klaus goes on to state:
"In March this year, the NZ government passed legislation to give the Whanganui river legal personality. The associated trusteeship function has is origins the Maori concept of kaitiakitanga and is jointly performed by the Crown and local Maori tribes. For the first time, a Western nation is acknowledging legally enforceable trusteeship over natural objects. Clearly, the leadership of states such as Bolivia and Ecuador has helped here. You may also be aware of a recent court decision in India to grant the Ganga and Yamuna rivers the status of ‘juristic persons’.And three weeks ago, another Indian court did the same with respect to the Himalayan mountain ranges, glaciers, rivers, lakes, air, forests and so on, adding that the rights of these legal entities shall be equivalent to the rights of human beings. These and many other examples signal a general trend towards Earth trusteeship. What is missing, however, is a clear loud voice to remind states of this trend and the trusteeship duties they have agreed on in international agreements. We cannot simply wait until 2030 to see whether the Sustainable Development Goals have been achieved. So there is an opportunity for the General Assembly to articulate the importance of Earth trusteeship with respect to the SDG process."
This shows more promise that counties such as New Zealand, Bolivia, Ecuador and India are now granting the same legal rights to nature as they do people, but they are only classifying certain specific areas such as a river or a mountain. There needs to be a world wide global classification of giving nature the same rights as people. We need to respect the planet and life that sustains us and stop abusing it has we have done, we need to not only stop, we need to reverse and heal all the damage we have done over the years in the name of so called "progress".
We was strongly agree with Professor Bosselmann that we cannot wait to 2030 to see if their Sustainable Development Goals have been met, we need to act NOW. The planet cannot wait any longer for us to get our act together, species are going extinct on a nearly daily basis, the plastic pollution is mounting, the rain forests are vanishing, the list goes on and on. We need to change direction and we need to do this NOW.
Professor Bosselmann supports this:
"We have now arrived at a juncture of human history that makes it absolutely unavoidable to think beyond the paradigm of sovereign nation-states and embrace Earth trusteeship. This has not seriously occurred at UN level, yet the United Nations may be our only hope. Despite the inbuilt, deeply rooted conservatism in the UN system and despite the fact that the idea of transforming the Trusteeship Council has been rejected, the problems are not going to go away. In fact, they will only get worse if states fail to embrace a deeply embedded concept of Earth trusteeship"
He then concludes with:
"The Planetary Integrity Project - an interdisciplinary network of universities, research centers, NGOs and leading environmental experts - is currently working on a concept for Earth trusteeship governance. The concept will be developed in a comprehensive report and lead to a proposal to the UN General Assembly to set up a mechanism that examines the implications of Earth trusteeship governance for all aspects of sustainable development. Nation-states need to engage in a long overdue ethical dialogue on socioeconomic development within the parameters of the Earth system. We believe, that an Earth Trusteeship Council would be the most suitable platform for such a dialogue. It would greatly enhance the legitimacy of nation-states and it would help the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Ladies and gentlemen, I urge you to welcome this proposal for the good of humanity and our common home when it comes before you and to do what you can to make Earth trusteeship a reality of law.
Thank you for your attention."
