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OASIS API Demo & Hackalongs Start June 21st!

This post was originally published on the Our World blog on 17th June 2022

Greetings Friends,

As announced at the bottom of our previous post, the long awaited OASIS API Demos & Hackalongs begin June 21st!

We are very happy to announce we will finally kick off the OASIS API Hackalongs and Demos on June 21st with a different module/theme being demoed/explored each week:

June 21st - Avatar/Karma SSO API.

June 28th - Data API.

July 5th - Provider API.

July 12th - Key/Wallet API.

July 19th - Tech DeepDive.

July 26th - OASIS Web UI/Portal.

Aug 2nd - General Q&A (AMA).

More to come soon...

The above is subject to change depending on circumstances etc.

These will be held at 1pm EST and will last around an hour, but may run a little longer depending on questions, etc. We will demo each new module and then take questions at the end. Please check the main telegram group: for latest updates as well as a link to the zoom call to join. Thank you. We originally was going to demo everything in one session but the OASIS has grown so large it would take a very long time so we thought it best to break it into modules/sessions to make it more manageable! ;-)

Please reach out to us on the above group and this one: to let us know if you will be attending and for what sessions, thank you.

Exciting times.

In Love, Light & Hope,

The Our World Tribe.



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