Time to make a change, time to reject violence of any kind

Greetings Friends,
This post was originally published on the Our World blog on 14th October 2017:
Once again I am sorry to have to write another post such as this where there has been yet another big gun crime in Lost Vegas with over 50 people killed and 500 injured.
My heart and prayers go out to the victims families.
This on top of the recent terrorist attack in London on the tube, the riots in Spain, the racial tensions in the US, the North Korea crisis, the wars in Syria, Yemen and more, all the hurricanes, earthquakes, etc.
When is enough enough? How much suffering and bloodshed does there have to be before we all decide to unite together to make a change?

United together we have the strength and power to make a change. Do not think oh what can I do, I am only one person since if everyone thought that there would be no world left by now. If we all did our bit, even just a little bit we could make a BIG difference.
If everyone donated just one pound to our crowd funding page we would have enough money to make a EPIC difference to the world by getting Our World built much quicker after which it can start re-educating the masses on how to look after themselves and the beautiful world that sustains us...

People still do not realize just how much this vital project is going to change the world, we live in a digital age where the most effective medium to reach people especially the younger generations is thought apps and games. At the moment their only influence is mostly violent games as well as games promoting stealing and other crimes. They also promote a dog eat dog world where it is every man for themselves. We need to take a moral and social responsibility to create apps & games to teach people the right life lessons and to empower people to take responsibility in looking after our beautiful planet before it is too late...

So do you want to be part of the solution or the problem? Do you want to leave it to somebody else? If everyone thought that then we would be in very BIG trouble now. What will your legacy be? What world do you wish to leave your kids and grand kids and the next generation? Things cannot continue the way they have been...
We are now at a crisis point and now is the time to act, together we really CAN make a difference.
People have so much more power than they realise, if we unit together there is nothing we cannot accomplish, it is time to reclaim your power and rise together, power to the people! ;-)
