This post was originally published on the Our World blog on 22nd February 2019:
Greetings Friends,
Apologies for the long radio silence, we have been busy working hard behind the scenes networking and building deeper ties, integration & syngerisation with our partners/allies with S7 Foundation, Mindlife, Holochain, etc.
We have also been doing further deep brainstorming and design sessions for Our Word. We have also continued to work on the OASIS Architecture designs, diagrams and whitepaper. We have also started designing and developing the actual OASIS API/Architecture itself which will fully integrate with Holochain, which is the purpose of this post.
So yes very exciting times indeed with a LOT happening! :) So as you can imagine, we have not had a lot of time to keep you all updated on our progress...
Holochain is what we envisioned the tech that Our World/The OASIS would be built on top off. Which is why when we saw this and also the OASIS featured in Ready Player One where the computing power was decentraised and distributed we could see how both of these matched our vision perfectly. Just like in the Ready Player One OASIS Holochain allows nodes (devices in people's homes) to share processing power, memory, network and other resources with other nodes. We were so happy that Holochain have helped save us a LOT of time and energy in that they are already building the storage and network stack we were panning on building for Our World/OASIS. So as you can see it is a match made in heaven... :)
We are very impressed with what these guys are doing and we look forward to forging deeper ties with them, we already have ties with key inside people, with who we are currently having talks with.
They are currently working on relatively simple HTML apps, but we have much BIGGER ambitous plans for it. We will help turbo charge their ecosystem they are trying to build since as mentioned on our site Our World is much more than just a game, it is a nextgen platform, ecosystem & operating system for the new earth we are building. This is why satellite apps/games can plug into Our Word/OASIS using the OASIS API. These apps/games can be built using Holochain, Blockchain or any other tech, our OASIS system will act as the bridge allowing them all to inter-connect but our main focus is Holochain since we KNOW this is the future, we have seen it... ;-)
We believe Blockchain may just be a bubble and when it bursts everyone will come over to Holochain, which we hope we will be ready for by then...
Holochain has been in the works for a very long time, long before Blockchain came out so no it is not yet another blockchain tech. It is built on top of the wisdom of nature, what else is better to base your design on than something that has been evolving for billions of years? Holochain is part of something even bigger they have been working on called CEPTR.
We saw in a recent blog that the community was talking about a Fortnite Clone. It also talks about helping the world, and also doing a UI similar to Pokemon Go. Well that is what we have been working on for 7 years now and back in Feb we decided we would build it on top of Holochain, since we wanted it to be fully decentralised and distributed as well as be able to share resources (CPU, Network, Memory, Bandwith, etc) with other nodes so naturally Holochain ticked all the boxes! :)
But we really need your help to raise awareness of this CRITICAL project for the future of humanity and this beautiful planet. Instead of being yet another mindless violent game, which is part of the problem rather than the solution,
Our World teaches people how to live in harmony with each other and the planet. It teaches people, especially kids the right life lessons to help co-create a better world for all of us. It does this using the latest cutting edge tech such as VR, AR, real-time emotional feedback, voice recognition, gesture recognition, facial tracking, etc.. We are looking for developers and anyone else who would love to get involved in this Open Source project.
We are currently building the prototype and have been designing and planning for this game for 7 years now. So now is the time to get on board. As part of this dev we are developing a HDK for .NET and for Unity, which will help turbo charge Holochain! We will gift these forward to the amazing Holochain community. We hope in return we will get the help we need to help turbo charge this project, thank you, we look forward to hearing from you soon! :)
As always we would be very grateful for any donations to our crowd funding pages as well as anyone who wants to join our expanding team...
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